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Starting A Business In Ireland

Read My Inspirational Story

Who AM I

I am a digital marketer and founder of EM Digital Marketing Agency. 

I specialise in Search Engine Optimisation and building WordPress websites.

My Mission

I help criminal defence law firms, drink driving solicitors rank their website to page one on Google and transform your website to a lead machine. 

What I Do

Emma Ma

Are you thinking of starting a business in Ireland? My online business story will help you start your own business in Ireland. 

Hello. My name is Emma Ma. I created EM Digital Marketing after I graduated with a Digital Marketing and Analytics Degree from South East Technological University In Carlow Town, Ireland. 

Since then, I have worked 16 – 20 hours daily to build my online business. At the same time, still working as a social care worker to pay the bill. 

After a few months of hard work, EM Digital Marketing is complete and ready to serve clients.  

In May 2024, I was elected the Emerging Business Woman Of The Year Finalist 2024. 

My Transformational Story
From A Social Care Worker To An Online Business Owner.

Starting A Business In Ireland Was Easier Than I Ever Thought?

Changing careers from a social care worker to a digital marketer is not a quick fix but an exciting journey.

I originally came from China and have lived in Ireland for 25 years. Yes. I know I will grow old and die here.

I worked as a social care worker for six years, working with vulnerable people with intellectual disabilities and mental health disorders. 

I decided to leave the profession while studying for a leadership degree as a social care worker team leader. 

I lost my faith and passion for the profession after going through the trauma at work.

After a few months of recovery, I returned to university again a fourth time to study digital marketing and analytics degree. 

The course opened my eyes and made me realise what I had missed. I like learning and changing. Digital marketing is a fast-evolving profession, perfect for satisfying my learning urge and enjoying change. 

I am now a digital marketer, a blogger and an online business owner. Whatever my title is, the most important thing to me is that I have found my love and passion for what I do again. 

Emma Ma Starting A Business In Ireland And Sitting In The Meeting Room.

If You Are Thinking of Starting an Online Business In Ireland?
Here Are 4 Things You Must Do.

First and foremost, learn as much as possible. Learn about your profession and the skills you need to run a business and succeed.

That is why I went back to university to study for a digital marketing and analytics degree, the course has shaped my expertise and built my passion for digital marketing. 

Do not get me wrong, I am not suggesting you to go back university and spend years studying digital marketing. 

Because there are so many other ways to learn digital marketing, for instance, workshops, online courses, YouTube videos, read articles and blog posts, and start your own website or social media channels. 

Second, setting up your business.  Register your business in Ireland. The easy way to do this is find a company like Company setup.ie, they will help you to register your business within a few days, usually less than a week. They also provide accountant service that you will need to run your business, for instance, register your business with Irish tax revenue office and beneficial ownership, etc. 

 After complete all the legal requirements, you are officially a business owner. 

The next important thing is to register with your local enterprise office(LEO). You will need all the supports they provide, sign up with their weekly newsletter, attend their training and events. 

As a new business start up, you will need a website, LEO offers up to 2,500 euros in grants to build your business website and digital marketing services. It is called trading online vouchers

LEO also provide one to one mentor service to business owners and organise events across Ireland and UK. The majority of trainings and events are free or with very little cost. 

Third, networking.  Attend events and conferences, and build relationships. Starts with LEO, and register with Eventbrite. Keep eye on your industry events throughout the year, attend all of them if you can. Meet people, talk to them, connect them on social media. Build relationships online and offline.  

The final thing is dedication, passion and persistence. Starting a business is easy, but to grow a business is hard, it requires continual learning, adaptation, and dedication. It’s a journey that proves you can build a successful business with persistence and passion. 

So, be prepared for up and downs, struggles and satisfaction of doing what you love.

If you are thinking of starting a business in Ireland, if your current job is no longer fulfilling your dream, or maybe you have been thinking about changing your career for a while but are afraid of taking action. 

Please continue reading my story of how I started an online business while still working as a social care worker. 

Emma Ma Starting A Business In Ireland And Sitting In The Meeting Room.

Starting A Business In Ireland

Starting a business in Ireland may seem very easy initially, but to have a successful business is never easy. 

For instance, building an online business involves a lot of hard work, dedication, grit and passion for what you do. I personally think passion is the driver of success. You must enjoy what you do; even if you are not paid for it, you still love doing it. And that is passion. 

Once you have the passion, the rest of the hard work, dedication, grit, etc. will come naturally. 

Building a sustainable and successful online business should be a lifelong goal. 

Customer satisfaction is the cornerstone of a successful online business: nurture relationships, provide value, and listen to feedback. 

Keep sharpening the professional skills and stay updated in the field. With patience and resilience, an online business can flourish into a rewarding venture that empowers dreams and customers’ needs.

I want to share my story to let people know that if you have lost the love and passion for what you do or are thinking of changing careers. Remember, more doors are waiting for you to open, and more worlds are waiting for you to explore.

You probably won’t start an online business, start a business you are passionate about. But I want to tell you not to fear change because change is not scary. 

Change is a process of improving yourself and learning new skills. Trust me, When you finally take that step to make the change, you will regret you should have done it earlier. 

I hope my story will motivate you to take that step. Remember: Keep achieving your dreams; do not give up.

Emma Ma
Would you like to start a project with me?

Give Emma A Call. 

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EM Digital Marketing Accept Trading Online Voucher.