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Search Engine Optimisation
For Solicitors

SEO For Solicitors

Law firms need to be visible online to be successful; if you are not, your competitors will.  They will go the extra mile to leave you behind. It is time to take an action, Updating your website content and design can significantly improve your website’s ranking, potentially attracting more clients and boosting your business.

Competition is everywhere online. Many law firms would invest in SEO and digital marketing to promote their service. 

But many of them do not, because they did not see the value of SEO.


Benefits of SEO For Family Law Solicitors

You are a solicitor, but you are also a business owner. 

The ultimate goal of SEO is not only to rank your website at no.1 on Google search results. It is to help business owners like you make revenue at the end of the day.

Many websites rank on page 1 but have almost zero sales.

So, sales and conversions are the ultimate goal of SEO. 

You do not need a massive number of website visitors, but you definitely need a website that converts visitors to customers. 

Technical SEO will make your website search engine-friendly.  Google can understand your content better and index your pages.

On-Page SEO will make your website user-friendly; your website page content will be easy to read and strategically embedded with keywords. Bringing visitors to your website organically without paying for any ads. 

Off page SEO will build links and domain authority for your website. The higher the quality of links and higher domain authority of your website, the better ranking you will have on Google search. 

Local SEO is making your website visible in your local area or a specific area you want to target. Local SEO is a very effective strategy to elevate businesses’ online presence in their local area. 

Seo For Family Law Solicitors.

drink driving solicitor's successful SEO story

Website And Videos Rank No.1 On Google Search. 

Number of website visitors spiked.

Patrick Horan is a drink-driving solicitor based in Cork City. 

In late November, he came to me with a clear vision: to expand his legal practice into Dublin City and enhance his online presence, increasing his visibility. 

After two months working with Patrick, his website monthly visitors increased to 2.1k, his website and videos are ranked number one on Google searches. 

EM Digital Marketing is result oriented digital marketing agency, I delivery results and quality services, not just words. 

Family Law Page Is Not Ranking. A Info Graphic With Tequise Colour With 7 Small Circle Surround A Big White Circle. Demonstrate The 7 Critical Reasons Of Why Some Law Firm Family Law Page Is Not Ranking.
Why is your family law page not ranking?

Many law firm websites have a family law page, but the page is ranked on the second page, third page, or even further down.

After analysing 70 law firm websites. I concluded 7 critical reasons:
1. Content is not keyword focused
2. Missing keywords on URLs
3. Thin and Low quality content
4. Poor graphic design
5. Complicated website structure
6. Lack of creativity in design style
7. Low website speed

How to make a website successful?

Having a website is only a beginning. 

A successful website provides optimal user experience and makes sales at the end of the day.

A law firm website design best practice checklist gives you an insight into how your website is built to be successful.

Search engine optimisation combines conversion rate optimisation makes high-performing websites that rank higher on search engines, brings visitors to the site, and converts them to customers. 

SEO and CRO are ongoing and long-term marketing strategies; a successful website needs continued adjustment, refinement, analytics and making informed decisions.

But the ultimate results last a very long time and are worth every penny you invest. 

Are you ready for a successful website?

You know your client’s needs when they come to your law firm. 

EM Digital Marketing helps you to reflect that on your website. 

Your Journey Starts Here 50%

Enter Your Name And Your Email, We Will Send You The Secret Formula Of An SEO Friendly Homepage That Sells To Your Inbox Within 10 Minutes.

Sale deal: the secret formula of a seo friendly website that make sells