Law Firm Website Design Best Practice Checklist

Emma Ma

Emma Ma

Founder Of  EM Digital Marketing

Book A Call With Emma

Published: 14.01.2024

Law firm website design best practice checklist text on a dark blue colour background, and orange colour text blog post image.

Almost all law firms have a website that represents their businesses. But many of them does not send a clear message. Somehow, the message confuses their visitors. 

How do you design a website that sends a clear message, attracts visitors, generates leads and converts visitors to clients?

Here is a checklist for the law firm website design best practice. See how many of the best practices your website includes: 

• First Impression Count.

A law firm’s website’s first impression is very important. A professional and quality website represents your professionalism and quality services. 

Send a clear message to your visitors, making them feel you are trustworthy and are the right expert to work with. 

It only takes 3 to 5 seconds to convince your visitors when they land on your website for the first time. 

Write an attractive and compelling headline, sub-headline, and concise message to present what you are offering and your business value proposition. 

• Creative and differentiation matters

Differentiating yourself from other law firms can be hard when you offer the same service. Still, there is always a space for creativity. For instance, offer something your competitor won’t provide, like free consultation, weekend on-call, etc. 

• Simplicity is a key.

Use simple design on web pages, especially the homepage. Stuffing too much information will only overwhelm visitors and make them leave the website faster. 

It is very easy to make this mistake because we all want to inform our visitors well, in case they miss any important information. 

• Well-structured content and design

Organize your information according to their priority using a visual hierarchy, guide visitors step by step to the end of your web page, and add a call to action button to remind them to take action.  

• Be Mobile-Responsive

Most searches are done on mobile phones nowadays; a law firm’s website must be mobile-friendly to be visible online and function seamlessly. 

• Optimize website speed

Website load times significantly impact user experience. Slow-loading websites are usually the main reason for higher bounce rates and lower conversion rates. Google also considers page speed when ranking mobile search. 

• Simplify Navigation for Easy User Experience

Poorly structured navigation links can confuse visitors and difficult to find the information they need. 

Ensure your internal links are simple and keep them to a minimum.

• Highlight Contact Information and Offer Multiple Contact Methods

Displaying your contact information and offering multiple contact methods. Phone numbers, email addresses, and clickable contact forms should be accessible from any page. 

• Emphasize Your Practice Areas

Visitors visit your website looking for a lawyer to help them with a specific legal issue. Highlight your services on your homepage and provide clear links to each page.

• Harness the Power of CTAs

Call-to-action (CTA) links or buttons are powerful tools for encouraging visitors to take action on your website. 

Use CTAs strategically throughout your site to prompt visitors to engage with your content, whether booking a consultation or exploring your services. Make your CTAs clearly visible and place them where visitors are likely to take action.

• Embrace the Power of Videos

Video marketing has proven highly effective in improving lead generation, conversion rates, and visitor engagement. 

Incorporating videos on your website allows potential clients to see and hear you, establishing a personal connection and building trust.

• Prioritize Readability

Readability is crucial in website design, as visitors scan websites for key points rather than reading every word. Utilize typography, white space, bullets, and short paragraphs. 

• Establish Credibility and Reputation

Building trust and credibility is essential for law firms. Incorporate social proof, such as testimonials, reviews, successful case results, and external ratings, to showcase your expertise and reputation. 

Highlight media recognition and association memberships to establish credibility further.


Following these best practices, your law firm’s website will stand out among competitors. Attract and convert potential clients.